In April of 2019, the City of Launceston chose Easyweb Digital as the preferred partner to put their Public WiFi upgrade in motion. This project contributes to a larger program of works, the Launceston City Heart Project. Over the past few weeks, the project team enabled the Public WiFi network upgrade and expansion across multiple areas of Launceston. Some of these key areas had Ruckus Networks access points deployed.
The network is currently operational in public CBD areas such as QVMAG, the Launceston Leisure and Aquatic Centre, the Brisbane Street Mall, Quadrant Mall and Civic Square. The remaining proposed Public WiFi locations including the soon-to-be opened Riverbend Park, City Park, Princes Square and other areas will be online within the next few months.
The Public WiFi upgrade was a necessary undertaking to meet Launceston’s increasing digital connectivity demands of both the community and tourism industry. The new service has further reach, is easily accessible, and operates at faster speeds with no time restrictions.
The Easyweb Digital managed Encapto platform provides City of Launceston with a single interface used to manage user experience and promote city events. Using any wireless compatible device, users can onboard by selecting the ‘Launceston WiFi’ SSID and a portal page will appear in their browser. Once the terms and conditions have been accepted, each user can simply click to get online. Encapto contains all the features needed for safe browsing, including filtering out unacceptable online content. The City of Launceston has the ability to monitor and control what can be explored while connected to their Public WiFi.
The system protects people’s data privacy; user data is not on-sold or used for commercial purposes. Users of the City of Launceston’s Public WiFi network are at no risk of having their information shared to third parties.
Easyweb Digital is a licensed carrier, fully compliant with Telecommunications and Data Retention and Interception legislation.