Many private and government organizations offer Public WiFi services to their clients, residents, guests and visitors in a variety of settings. These WiFi services are regulated by the Telecommunications Act (1997), the Telecommunications and Data Retention Act (2015) and the Privacy Act (1988).
This workshop will discuss how these regulations affect the provision of a Public WiFi service, what are the areas of uncertainty and the potential legal or reputation risks to service providers.
The Speakers
Chris Wilson is a Research Fellow with the RMIT Centre for Urban Research and Associate Member of the RMIT Centre for Communication, Politics and Culture. Chris’ presentation will address a key question: Does a provider of Public WiFi services require a Carrier License?
Daniel Sacchero is Easyweb’s Business Manager. He has worked in the ICT industry for over thirty years. Daniel’s presentation will be looking at the implications of the Data Retention Act on organizations providing Internet connectivity using WiFi to their guests, clients or visitors
Ian McShane is an Senior Research Fellow at RMIT University’s Centre for Urban Research. His research focuses on informal and formal education systems, local infrastructure and community services and digital technologies. Ian will explore the areas of overlap of the Privacy Act and Public WiFi provision including some of the risks associated with WiFi solutions which are cloud hosted or managed.
Workshop Agenda
8.30 to 8.45 – Greetings and Breakfast
8.45 to 9.00 – Dr Iain Sutherland - Workshop Introduction
9.00 to 9.20 – Dr Chris Wilson – Public WiFi and the Telecommunications Act
9.20 to 9.40 – Daniel Sacchero – Public WiFi and the Data Retention Legislation
9.40 to 10.00 – Dr Ian McShane – Public WiFi and its Data Privacy implications
10.00 to 10.30 – Questions, answers and open discussion
This is a by-invitation event. To register email Nicholas@easywebdigital.com